Learn To Hike Your Dog…
Off Leash!
During these scary times of COVID-19 turning everyone’s worlds upside down, how wonderful would it be to take your dog for a peaceful walk outdoors…
In nature…
Without a leash…
Without losing track of your dog(s)…
WITH a smile on your face…
WITH confidence and control and calm…
And WITH your dog(s) having a blast while getting all of his/her/their energy out!
…The good news is, we can help with all of that!
Even with Social Distancing in place, through the use of technology and spacious trails we will be able to meet both virtually and in-person while we work together to create a game-plan specified to you and your dog!
Fill out the form below and we will get you started!
COVID-19 Coverage Area
Nationwide by Remote Consultation and Coaching
In-Person Coverage Area
Casper, Wyoming
We promise to let you know if we don’t believe you or your dog are 100% ready to give off-leash hiking a try.
We promise to be honest with you if we feel that other training will be necessary before off-leash hiking will be possible.
We promise to be fully transparent with you in whatever way will benefit both your dog and you the most.
We Love Our TR’s DogPals As Well As Their Humans…
Bask In The Happy.